This guy actually makes a lot of sense: seem to be
more and
more and
more cases of white men feeling oppressed or threatened and deciding to take matters into their own hands. To a large degree, this ideology seems to be born and nurtured online.
Most online video services, reliable news outlets, social media platforms have vowed to remove ISIS and al-Qaeda recruiting videos as harmful to the public good. How long until they see the inevitable similarities between all extremist ideologies, and start removing white nationalist content too?
It's difficult to talk
about First Amendment freedoms -- "Free speech isn't about speech you agree with" -- without making some concessions. What is "hate speech"? What is "incitement"? Pretty soon you enter that huge gray area between incitement and mere differences of opinion, between
Flat Earth theorizing and anti-vaxxers, between censorship and protecting the public good.
Back when there were only three networks for getting your news, it was easy to apply the
Fairness Doctrine and make sure what was presented was factual and reasonable. But in today's democratized information society controls are impossible, and siloing your sources is much easier. It's difficult to even DISCUSS ameliorating this current miasma while we have a Obfuscator-In-Chief sucking up all the headlines every day.
Maybe, after the person fanning the flames has been removed from office, maybe then we can begin to address ways to calm the public debate, to agree on the facts, to give weight to verifiable facts again and dismiss the baseless conspiracies. Maybe.
I see it happening more with the PROMOTION of fact-based reporting, than with the REMOVAL of suspect dangerous speculation. Our First Amendment needs to be protected from people who abuse it, but that's not done by censoring them. It's done by making them ridiculous.
Snopes, more
Fact Check, more
PolitiFact, Maybe these services should be given some kind of government support, or mandated free advertising & links on every political website, or something. At one point I thought
Wikileaks might be trending toward this sort of watchdog position but Julian Assange seems to have gotten himself all wrapped up in Russian counter-espionage instead.
Whistleblowers like
Chelsea Manning and
Edward Snowden will need to be rehabilitated in the public eye, as TRUTH needs to trump politics. This won't happen anytime soon, but (hoping, hoping, hoping) maybe after Mueller redefines the public perception of
Republican dirty tricks politics?