The ending of "Don't Look Up" has a contingent of billionaires boarding a spaceship, as the Earth is about to be destroyed by the asteroid. In the postlogue -- after the credits if memory serves? -- it shows their spacecraft landing on an Earthlike planet in some nearby galaxy, and the passengers being awakened from their hibernation. They exit the spacecraft to explore their new home, and immediately Streep is eaten by one of the local lifeforms.
There's an episode of Omeleto, an animated story, of a billionaire who is in a spaceship with his robot. He has left Earth and is seeking another habitable planet instead. He has given his robot instructions to wake him only when a suitable alternate planet is found. The spaceship visits several "Cinderella-zone" planets, none of which prove habitable. In the end the ship returns to a devastated Earth, after the apocalypse, as still the best option, despite being a charred hulk.
Bezos and Musk and Branson are pioneering commercial space travel, with a distinctive whiff of the above stories. Hopefully they're not so stupid as to think they can escape Earth's problems by flying elsewhere. It's not like finding another continent on Earth, where there is water and air and things to eat. Building a spaceship may be cheaper than solving pollution and global warming and resource depletion, but a few billionaires cannot sustain the human race without sustaining the planet.