Last night I went to bed early, lay there while Mrs NoCo watched TV. There was a show on about I believe her name is Giuliana Margoles, used to be the host of Entertainment Tonight or some show like that, now apparently has her own reality TV show.
Anyway, last nite she was kvetching about whether to have one embryo, or two embryos embedded in her surrogate mom because she wants another baby. It seems she had cancer in her lady bits and can't get pregnant herself, so she had some eggs extracted and fertilized by her husband and they're slowly pulling them out of the deep freeze and reheating them as they get hungry.
Giuliana was talking to her friend about this decision -- one or two -- and how these were her last two embryos but would she be ready for twins if they both took root. Her friend -- a dedicated Catholic -- told her she'd just have to leave it up to God, because God will decide.
I thought, no, God has already spoken. He said "No babies for you."